thoreau in jail…

Every creative event that ever happened in the world was an interruption. Unexpected. Unplanned for.

the night thoreau spent in jail


Imagine for a moment a limitless centre of consciousness and power beyond space and time, blazing with the light of a billion suns, transcending personality and impersonality alike. From that immeasurable source, great streams of creative force surge outward through the planes of existence, passing through countless other subordinate centres of consciousness, divided and refracted on the way into equally innumerable individual currents. Some these currents reach all he way to the densest plane of existence, the one we call material reality. There they take the form of things and beings, each one created and sustained by the outpouring of divine creative force, each one capable of evolving toward life and consciousness in its own way.

john michael greer

diane ackerman…

Knee-deep in the cosmic overwhelm, I’m stricken by the ricochet wonder of it all: the plain everythingness of everything, in cahoots with the everythingness of everything else.

diane ackerman

marlene dumas…

I paint because I am an old-fashioned woman. I believe in witchcraft. I don’t have freudian hang-ups. A brush does not remind me of a phallic symbol. If anything, the domestic aspect of a painter’s studio (being locked up in a room) reminds me a bit of the housewife with her broom. If you are a witch you will still know how to use it. Otherwise, it is obvious that you’ll prefer the vacuum cleaner.

marlene dumas


Choose something absurd to have a conversation with — one of your habits, say, or something in a dream, or a small piece of something you found at the beach.
