I wonder if there is any stationary in heaven?
right light…
to one degree…
These things can enlarge the soul: laughter, danger, imagination, meditation, wild nature, passion, compassion, psychedelics, beauty, iconoclasm, and driving around in the rain with the top down. These things diminish it: fear, bitterness, blandness, trendiness, egotism, violence, corruption, ignorance, grasping, and eating ketchup on cottage cheese.
tom robbins
it’s about size…
Each thought has a size, and most are about three feet tall, with the level of complexity of a lawnmower engine, or a cigarette lighter, or those tubes of toothpaste that, by mingling several hidden pastes and gels, create a pleasantly striped product.
nicholson baker
good morning…
not edible…
The moon hasn’t come back from the cleaners yet and I have nothing to slip into tonight that makes my reflection feel beautiful.
shinji moon