When the time came a few years ago to find an Inukitut term for the word ‘Internet’, Nunavut’s former Official Languages Commissioner, Eva Asriak, chose ikiaqqivik, or ‘travelling through layers’ (Minogue,2005,n.p.). The word comes from the concept describing what a shaman does when asked to find out about living or deceased relatives or where animals have disappeared to: travel across time and space to find answers.
sed sato’s…
You won’t allow me to go to school. I won’t become a doctor.
Remember this: One day you will be sick.
The only moment that you can live here comfortably in these irreconcilable conflicts is in this moment when you embrace it all and you say “Look, I don’t understand a fucking thing at all – Hallelujah!”
leonard cohen
Temperatures will rise gradually to become around or slightly higher than average as the area is affected by a low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere accompanied by northwesterly currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
wanderer weather report
When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogma or goals, it’s always because those dogmas or goals are in doubt.
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