We convince ourselves that we’re smarter and better informed than our ancestors for no other reason than the fact that we live after them.
john michael greer
light catcher…
last resort…
The capacity to produce social chaos is the last resort of desperate people. You can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people. You can’ save the people, if you don’t serve the people.
cornell west
keep out…
a mystic…
A mystic is anyone who has the gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradictions, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.
lawrence kushner
smash the window…
In my younger days, I would have taken this gin bottle and thrown it against the wall. Then smash the window open and cut myself with the shards. But, now I’m just going to take a few steps back and go to bed. This is the science of getting older.
mary montezuma