
The only moment that you can live here comfortably in these irreconcilable conflicts is in this moment when you embrace it all and you say “Look, I don’t understand a fucking thing at all – Hallelujah!”

leonard cohen


Temperatures will rise gradually to become around or slightly higher than average as the area is affected by a low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere accompanied by northwesterly currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

wanderer weather report


When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogma or goals, it’s always because those dogmas or goals are in doubt.

robert m pirsig, zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

legal immigrants…

They flew to Monterrey in a private plane.
There, in the year 2008, they kicked off their triumphant tour. They were declared distinguished guests and were put on nine floats to tour the town. It was as if they were politicians on a victory lap, but they weren’t. They were mummies, mummies from the cholera plague that devasted the city of Guanajuato more than a century and a half before. The eleven women, seven men, five children and a bodiless head, all dressed for a party, then crossed the border. Though these mummies were Mexican, no one asked for their passports, nor did the border guards harass them. They continued unimpeded to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Chicago, where they paraded under flowered arches to cheering crowds.


two races…

Women are born with a centre. They can create the universe, mother it, teach it, nurture it. Men read science fiction to build the future. Women don’t need to read it. They are the future.

ray bradbury

time goes by…

We can trust that we will mess up, that we will misbehave, and that the planet will continue to spin quite independently of our wills.

marya hornbacher, waiting

to see…

Scientists did not take him seriously. Antonie van Leeuwenhock had no Latin and no degree, and his discoveries were the fruit of happenstance.

To get a better look at the weaves of the fabric he sold, Antonie began experimenting with combinations of magnifying glasses, and by putting glass to glass he invented a five-hundred-lens microscope that in a drop of water revealed a multitude of microbes swimming as fast as they could.

Among other triflings, this cloth merchant discovered red blood cells, bacteria, spermatozoids, yeast, the life cycle of ants, the sexual life of fleas and the anatomy of bee stingers.

In the same city, Delft, in the same month of 1632, both Antonie and the painter Vermeer were born. And in that city each of them dedicated their lives to seeing the invisible. Vermeer sought the light hiding in the shadows, while Antonie spied on the secrets of our most diminutive relatives in the kingdom of this world.


hee haw…

hee haw, you are on the brink of something excellent and relevant !


the world…

The way the world is going, get ready to make some changes.



The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds.

r.d. laing