
Eight million Shinto deities travel secretly throughout the earth. Those modest gods touch us, touch us and move on.

jorge luis borges


The brain is silent, the brain is dark, the brain tastes nothing, the brain hears nothing. All it receives are electrical impulses, not the sumptuous chocolate melting sweetly, not the oboe solo like the flight of a bird, not the tingling caress, not the pastels of peach and lavender at sunset over a coral reef, just impulses.

diane ackerman


Judging from picture books, apparently heaven is a partly cloudy place.

rilo kiley

three goals…

The first goal is to see the thing itself in and for itself, to see it simply and clearly for what it is. No symbolism, please. The second goal is to see each individual thing as unified, as one, with all the other ten thousand things. In this regard, a little wine helps. The third goal is to grasp the first and second goals, to see the universal and the particular, simultaneously. Regarding this one, call me when you get it.

david budbil

good advice…

Chew your way into a new world. Munch leaves. Molt. Rest. Molt again. Self reinvention is everything.

amy gerstler, advise from a caterpillar

good morning…

Day One
Good morning class. Today
we’re going to be discussing
the deplorable adventures
of Franz Wright and his gory flute.
Just kidding.

The topic this morning
is an unparaphrasable logic constructed
from parallelisms and images
and held together, on
occasion, by nothing
but the magical non sequitur –
but the hell with that.

We should really examine
your life, the one you bought,
and what happened when you got home
and attempted to assemble it…

franz wright,  wheeling motel 


Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear. It annoys them very much.


everyday magic…

I do believe in an everyday sort of magic – the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.    

charles de lint

from willow…

Keep your hands busy whenever you can and stay out of worst-case-scenario thinking. Touch things, nice things, like rocks or crystals or other things that can take a charge.

willows web

living vertically…

“I’d like to be a Gecko, not permanently, but for ten minutes or so. Geckos are charming small lizardy creatures with suction pads for feet. They live vertically. Walls are their terra firma. For them trees grow sideways, hills are sky, pavements are walls.”      

alan fletcher, the art of living sideways