I want to believe there are geniuses scheming to astonish the rest of us, just for the pleasure of it.
marilynne robinson
I want to believe there are geniuses scheming to astonish the rest of us, just for the pleasure of it.
marilynne robinson
When you’re arguing for an unpopular idea, there are three stages of truth: first, your opponents say it can’t be true. Next they say if it’s true, it can’t be very important. Finally they say well, we’ve known it all along.
jonas salk
In regards to your question, what might your options be?
Every spirit passing through the world fingers the tangible and mars the mutable and finally has come to look and not to buy.
marilynne robinson
There’s a bit of magic in everything and then some loss to even things out.
lou reed
Galactic insights tend to be greeted by head-scratching and puzzlement in
their early stages.
phil sedgwick
If plan ‘A’ fails, remember you have 25 letters left.
chris guillebeau
Take it from me: If you hear the past speaking to you, feel it tugging at your back and running its fingers up your spine, the best thing to do – the only thing – is run.
lauren oliver
Writing down verses, I got a paper cut on my palm. The cut extended my life line by nearly one-fourth.
vera pavlova
That would be the way to go: straight up on a cloud, the crowd below craning
their necks as you disappeared out of view and then the wondering: which cloud overhead was under you.
joyce stuphen, assumption